(928) 254.9245 or (928) 301.2301

The frequency treatments of the future, are here now
Specializing in Adventure Wellness and pain management, we offer variety of services, working with quantum-level energy modalities to align your life force and keep your body and spirit in balance. We take an integrative and holistic approach to wellness with an emphasis on identifying and addressing current stressors, exploring past experiences and family dynamics, and developing positive life patterns. Click below to learn about the technology we provide in our sessions.

Dual Vibroacoustic Lounges paired with Infrared & Quantum Touch Therapy

By Appointment Only. Currently open to past clients or by referral at this time.
Muscle & Joint Repair, Pain Reduction and Nitric Oxide Boosters You Can Use at Home or On the Go!
Experience dual inHarmony Vibroacoustic Sound Lounges or Medication Cushions, InLight Therapy Polychromatic Low Level Light Therapy Systems or Richway Amethyst Far Infrared Biomats.
Discounts for 2 person sessions.
Call or text 928-254-9245 or 928-301-2301 to check availability for today to begin your journey of frequency transformation.
Click HERE to see our other services.
New Clients:
Want to get out into the Red Rocks of Sedona with Wendy, our Certified Vibroacoustic Therapy Practitioner and Hiking Guide, specializing in Adventure Wellness & Muscle Recovery? Create a deep healing Self-Love Retreat for one or 2 people and immerse yourself in a Vortex Soul Journey and/or an Enchanted Earthwalk on the land, combined with a Sound Vibrational Healing on the Sound Lounges for deep muscle recovery. Many other transformative sessions are also available with nurturing practitioners. (3 session minimum). For Self-Love Retreats, please book directly with Sedona Self Love Retreats.

(928) 254.9245 or (928) 301.2301
For more information about the InLight&Sound Immersion™ - events, practitioners and more, feel free to contact us today!